Submit a Proposal


NYU Press welcomes the submission of book proposals for any of the areas listed in the series overview.

Please include in your book proposal:

  • an abstract or a description of your manuscript (1–2 pages)

  • a description of the intended reader/audience for this book, including primary academic fields likely to be interested and courses for which the book could have potential adoption

  • a list of three or four competing books, and how your book will distinguish itself from the competition

  • annotated table of contents, including brief chapter summaries

  • estimated length of the manuscript in words, including notes and bibliography

  • number and type (color, b/w, maps, tables, etc.) of illustrations, if any

  • estimated date by which the manuscript will be complete

  • if the book is edited, contributor biographies

Additionally, please include one or two sample chapters (preferably the introductory chapter), your current C.V. or resume, mailing address, telephone number, and email address. Please address your submission to Clara Platter.

Proposals should be sent to:

For questions or comments email: